How to create a button on Mailchimp newsletter on Twitter

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Did you know that you can synchronize Mailchimp to Twitter ? This way, you'll add a button Mailchimp your tweets and your followers when they click, will subscribe to your email list or  newsletter . Discover how to set it step by step with this tutorial .

1: Enter your payment details

One of the most interesting for those who have a features list Mailchimp email is syncing with Twitter.
This way, you'll add a button Mailchimp subscription at Twitter . So it will be very easy to get new subscribers, and you just have to click the button and be part of your newsletter  (you can see a sample tweet here ).

However, to create this button is necessary to have an account in Twitter Ads . Therefore, you must enter the payment details to access all functions of the platform (including creating this button), but Twitter will not charge us anything to create it . They call this data for advertising campaigns .

As we can see in the picture above, our menu Twitter Ads will not be complete unless we introduce our data.

To do this, we must turn to Twitter Ads and click on our behalf. Then we have to select " Set pay credit card ".
We'll have to fill in the tax information and select " Personal "(unless you have a company).
Click on " Save tax information "to continue.
Fill in the details of your credit card or debit card and click on " Save ". Immediately you will see a new menu. Remember, Twitter will not charge you anything unless you choose to start advertising .

2: Create a card from Twitter

Once you have the new menu Twitter Ads , click on " creatives "and then select" Cards ".
Make sure the option "is selected Lead Generation "and click on" Create a card Generation Potential Clients "
You can fill in the details of your card Twitter then a brief description (the text you see in bold), the image accompanying the tweet and  the lamada to action (the text that take the button).
You also need to enter the URL of your privacy policy newsletter and security bond if the user can not see the card (you can put the address of the basic form Mailchimp) .
The picture must climb will have to be 800 pixels wide and 200 pixels high . Make sure it is striking to make it as effective as possible.

3: Synchronize Mailchimp with Twitter

To synchronize with Twitter Mailchimp have to enter the platform and click on " Lists ".
Click on the arrow to the right of the list you want to integrate into Twitter.
It will open a menu like the one below. Select " Signup forms "to continue.
Of the options that the platform offers, choose " Form integrations ".
Of the options that the platform offers, choose " Form integrations ".

Sign up forms Mailchimp
The first option that appears will be Twitter. This window is where we get the information we need to introduce in Twitter Ads . Although it may seem complicated, we shall point by point below.

Form for Mailchimp Twitter
To introduce in Twitter Ads, click on " Configuring data (optional) "on Twitter card you were creating.

Configuring data card Twitter
It will open up a drop like this. In " URL Shipping "have to enter the link will appear in # 2 Mailchimp .

Make sure to " HTTP Method "choose" POST " .

MailChimp Sync with Twitter
Then you Dif- some fields you have to fill. In " Name "pon" FNAME "(it is important to keep the case in all cases) in" Email "will have to enter" EMAIL "and" Username "enter" TWITTER ".

Once done, you'll have to click on " Add another hidden field "(in case you do not get a field appears already) and left write" id "(lowercase) and on the right the code you find on the step 3 of Mailchimp .

4: Create a new field in your list of Mailchimp
In one of the fields we have introduced " TWITTER "but for this to make sense we have to create this label or "tag" on our list of Mailchimp.

To do this, we click on the button to the right of the list you want to insert and click on " Settings ".

List Settings
Then we have to select " List fields and * | MERGE | * tags ".

Tags for Mailchimp
If you have never changed these fields, you will see something like this.

Tags for Mailchimp
To create a new field, click on " Add a field ".

Add a field in Mailchimp
In the field type you want to create, click on " Text "(first of all).

Add a new field to a list of Mailchimp
Fill in the information as you see below (respecting upper and lower case, remember).

New field in a list of Mailchimp
Click " Save "and ready.

5: Create a destination URL
It is completely optional, but you can configure the card for every time someone signs up to be redirected to a specific web page or receive a message .

Url destination card Twitter
For example, you can compose a message of thanks. In the first field ( target URL ) you can enter the address you want to visit then (only you will see if they click on " Message from the seller "is not automatic.

In the second field you can enter your message hand , although just 100 characters for it.

6: Check the card to work
Then you'll have to check that the card work properly and effectively synchronizes with Twitter.

To do this, click on " Update card "(bottom).

Reload Card Twitter
If everything works properly, you will receive a confirmation message in green indicating you that communication is successfully established with the platform.

Checking Card Twitter
It will ask if you got that data or not . To check, click on the list that you have synchronized Mailchimp .

MailChimp lists
Check it appears the email you use on your Twitter  and, indeed, the system will automatically subscribed to your list of Mailchimp.

Subscribers list
However, after checking can erase it. Check the box on the left and click on " Delete ".

Delete a sucriptor
The platform will ask you to confirm this action. Click on " Confirm ".

Remove to a sucriptor of Mailchimp
7: Compose a tweet with that card
Once you have verified that everything works as it should, click on " Yes "and will open new options to make your new card.

One is " Compose Tweet this card ". Click on it to continue.

Write a tweet with a card
Will open a window like this. Copy the url of the card and paste it into the tweet you want to send , but outside of Twitter Ads, page Twitter you normally use.

Write tweet with a card
If you use this form you promocionarás the tweet and it does pay for each user that signs up to your email list . If you want to get e-mails for free , paste the URL in a normal tweet, not in this box.

However, if you want to take advantage of the benefits of Twitter campaigns and want to designate a small budget for advertising your newsletter, you can follow the steps in this window and choose " Standard "(which will be your followers and target audience your campaign) and " Only touted "(you will see only your target audience and be published in your profile).

Mailchimp on Twitter
The tweet you post will look similar to the image above way (you can see here ). The card will release both desktop and smartphones .


8: Download subscribers in Excel
Do you think a complication that of sync Mailchimp to Twitter ? Do not worry, you can get the mails to subscribers without connecting the card with the platform .

Just create a card generating leads as we have indicated before and forget the optional details Mailchimp. In this case, you can download an Excel with e-mails .

Yes, it take hours to download the information because Twitter is not automatically updated . To download, click on " creatives "and then on" Cards ".

Greeting Twitter
Click on the button on the far right  of the card you created ( will appear blue if there are e-mails to download).

Download Twitter subscribers in Excel
You can also obtain this Excel if you sync Twitter with Mailchimp, although it will be better to consult in this latest platform because yes it is automatic and it will be easier .

9: See how many subscribers you have gotten through Twitter
If you want to know how many subscribers you have gotten through Twitter click on the list that have docked.

Mailchimp list
Then click on " Segments ".

Mailchimp segments
New segment in Mailchimp
You can create a new segment by selecting " New Segment ".

Make sure you choose the options in the image below ( source was Signup Twitter ).

Subscribers segment
Click on " Preview Segment ".

Subscribers segment in Mailchimp
And ... voilà! You will see a list of all users who have subscribed to your email list through Twitter.

Click on " Save Segment "to save if you want to later reference. Be sure to check " Auto-update "if you want to update automatically with people signed after.


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